Wednesday, December 14, 2011


As I was eating lunch this afternoon I realized this week has FLOWN. I can safely say its true that, "You blink and then your kids are all grown up." Well, perhaps its not THAT fast...the sleepless nights do seem to go on FOREVER. But, for the most part I cannot believe that a week ago today, our little Chloe was born.

And its also true that you forget the pains of childbirth. I didn't push her out, but the trauma of an 18-hour labor still has its haunting effects. Although, the jury is still out on whether that's the joy that makes you forget...or the pain killers. Either way, a foggy memory is created and that's best for everyone.

I've also decided that I am out of control with the picture taking. I know, I know... every first-time parent goes through this. I've heard (and experienced in my own family) that the first child has ALL kinds of memorabilia saved for them (ahem, thanks mom & dad) and that it just goes downhill from there. (Although, I tend to believe its because they love them (ahem, me) best.)

Anyway... I'm on the road to hoarding as we speak. I keep EVERYTHING. Newly added to the list of 'keeps' is her umbilical cord sensor. SOOOOOOOOOOOO gross/cute. Andrew doesn't bat an eye... just adds it to her growing box of keeps. The picture taking isn't much better. I currently have over 60 pictures on my phone that are of Chloe...and those are just the ones I've decided are too cute to erase. Yikes. But seriously, she's freaking cute. You need pictures to capture the moment. First sponge bath, first 'sit up while sleeping on her boppy,' first time in her white blanket. See? The need for such documentation is obvious [to Andrew and I]. So, we have it, just in case someone forgets that's she's perfect and needs me to text them the latest development.

OMG. I'm THAT mom. I swore, swore, swore I wouldn't have conversations about my child's most recent poop.

Already done.

I swore that I wouldn't make everyone I see look at pictures of her doing important things like sleeping.

Too late.

I promised my friends that I would still have great things to talk about after her birth.

Nope. Nada.

And mostly, I told myself that I would continue to focus on me time during her naps, not obsess over her every move when she's sleeping.

She's sitting right next to me as I nervously type this out in the fastest way possible so that I can start staring at her again.

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh LORD.
It's been a week and I'm already THAT mom. And I couldn't be happier.

Peace, Erin

And because I have to... here are some parting gifts from a crazy proud mom.

Leaving the hospital with her perfect father.

Her visit from Aunt Brooklyn...this picture has two of my very favorites in it. I look at it often...

Bored with mom already... for the record, she started holding her head up for seconds a time on the night she was born. YIKES.

told ya i took a picture of her 'first sit/sleep in her boppy'.
i kid you not, i'm nuts.

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